Ultrasound enables accuracy in diagnosis which allows for effective treatment and it may also be used to rule out other concerns.

An ultrasound probe emits high-frequency sound waves (echoes), which are reflected back to the probe by the body’s tissues to form a live real-time image. Ultrasound is safe for children and adults and has no radiation. The quality of diagnostic ultrasound images is now considered to be superior to MRI scans for examination for certain tendons, ligament and muscle injuries.

If used with cortisone injections ultrasound allows visualisation of the tissues whilst performing an injection and/or aspiration ensuring the needle solution is in the right place.

  • At times this can completely relieve symptoms or provide a ‘window’ of pain relief allowing physiotherapy to be more effective. Normally, only one injection is required to gain sufficient pain relief and restore the normal range of movement.

    Neil Liffen injections are performed under ultrasound guidance, to visually guide the needle tip to the precise location to ensure the accuracy of the medication to the affected and/or desired joint or soft tissue.

    Neil performs…

    Routine cortisone injections routinely combined with anaesthetic.

    Hydro-dilatation/Hydro-distention/High volume injections for frozen shoulder and Achilles tendinopathy.

    Barbotage injections for calcific tendonitis.

  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a clinically proven and highly effective treatment for chronic soft tissue injuries and is endorsed by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and hospital consultants. ESWT has been used to treat Premiership football stars, Olympians and other famous sportsmen and women. This treatment is defined as a non-invasive, non-electrical high energy sound wave that passes through the body via a hand-held probe.

    Sound waves are movements of extremely high pressure and is clinically proven that these sound waves, when applied to injured tissues, stimulate metabolic reactions including….

    Reduction of pain felt by nerve fibres.

    Rapid increase of blood circulation in targeted and surrounding soft tissues.

    Beginning of healing process triggered by stem cells activation.

    ESWT would only be performed following diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound examination, which ensures we are treating a chronic soft tissue condition. The treatment will then be fully explained typically lasts for 10-15 minutes.

Diagnostic Ultrasound is perfect for…

Conditions of the Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, Wrist, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot for conditions such as..

Osteoarthritis, bursitis and tendonopathy or all the above areas / shoulder impingement / frozen shoulder / acromioclavicular joint sprain / tennis elbow / golfers elbow / trigger finger or thumb / carpal tunnel syndrome / De Quervains / patellar tendonopathy / gluteal tendonopathy / hip pain / plantar faciitis / Achilles tendonopathy / Morton’s neuroma / ankle and foot joint pain / muscle tightness / trigger points


Diagnostic ultrasound 30 minutes / £150
Diagnostic ultrasound and guided injection 30 minutes / £250
Diagnostic ultrasound with Shock Wave Therapy 30 minutes / £175
Hydro dilatation with ultrasound 30 minutes / £275
Shock Wave Therapy (initial appointment 30 minutes then 15 minutes after) / £70

Make an appointment

01502 722 823